
Writing assignments, videos, and projects are the best way to assess students’ understanding of complex skills.

However, how do you assess them quickly, and how do you scale these efforts for large scoring efforts without prohibitive cost?

Acumen is an online scoring and writing assessment tool that streamlines the administering, rubric-based scoring, and reporting of free response questions, videos, and presentations. The benefits are twofold: It improves the effectiveness of assessment by enabling a streamlined rubric based scoring system, and it also speeds up scoring by aiding scorers through a hybrid AI scoring system.


Manual or Hybrid Scoring

Powerful AI rubric based scoring system.

Fast & Accurate Scoring

Create fast, accurate, and reliable scoring.

Scaleable Scoring

Supports scoring projects both large and small.

AI Scoring Engine

Integrates with an AI scoring engine to enable hybrid scoring.

Flexible Item Scoring

Delivers written, video, and presentation scoring.

Compliant Scoring

LTI compatible so students can submit via a LMS.

Assessment Workflow

A comprehensive, full assessment workflow.

Flexible Rubric Builder

The ability to build or attach a rubric.

Scoring Feedback

Commenting abilities to provide feedback and context.

Instant Analytics

Analytics and reporting that tracks students progress.

Ease of Use

An intuitive interface that shows the task list and scorer progress.

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